Saturday, January 11, 2014

1-3 Technology Integrator Role

  • What are your ideas of what a technology integration specialist is as you previously learned in other SNHU courses? Also, discuss today’s students and teachers as related to their use of technology in and out of the classroom. Use the module resources to assist you in completing this assignment.

**Sorry for the delay here I am getting over the flu and am not processing my days correctly**

I believe the role of a TI in the school system is someone who can help an educator facilitate and enhance their ideas utilizing technological tools that serve a true purpose.  They should be able to assist is developing meaningful lessons that meet the schools guidelines with regard to Common Core and NET-S and NET-T. Making sure that the technology is an enhancer and that the technology fits the lesson rather then the lesson fitting the technology is crucial.  The TI should make themselves available for educators to ask questions and work on ideas but within reasonable limits -  sometimes 30 teachers for 1 TI can be a bit much so making arrangements with educators to email or have meetings for Q&A sessions is a huge plus.  Being willing to assist educators in all aspects of technological implementation is crucial.  If the desire to help make the learning experience well-rounded and meaningful to students is not there then the presence of the TI is meaningless.  

Students and teachers are always connected to some form of technology in today's world.  They are always "plugged" in to finding out what is happening or what someone is wanting to chat about at almost any given moment.  It does not make any sense to expect students to shut off their way of doing things just because they have entered into a classroom.  Making sure that educators find what interests the students and themselves for that matter, makes the difference in whether the tech. tools that are being used are going to be beneficial.  If instructors just put in some form of technology for the sake of saying "I use technology" it is not a true benefit.  For example, if a teacher wants the students to create a spreadsheet to show data collected for a specific assignment the students can be bored because creating a spreadsheet isn't anything different than they have done in a simple keyboarding class.  BUT, if students are allowed to take that data and input it into a different tool/program and they can see a difference or output more energetic and eye-catching data then they become more engaged and dedicated to the assignment.   society depends on technology more than they want to admit but if we removed the simplest piece of technology from our everyday life then we would almost notice a complete crumble in our daily activities because we have become so reliant on the now and instantaneous information that we require.  


  1. I completely agree that technology should not just be used for the sake of using it. There are scenarios where it makes sense to use technology, and scenarios where it perhaps does not. Right now, it is the teachers and the limited amount of technology making this decision in the school I teach at. I look forward to the day when there is enough infrastructure, devices, and teacher training so that the students can be part of this decision.

  2. Absolutely. Teachers need to be a part of the process because they essentially are the ones that need to set the stage for the wonderful things that can be done just by simply thinking outside the box.

  3. Hi Windie

    “They should be able to assist is developing meaningful lessons that meet the schools guidelines with regard to Common Core and NET-S and NET-T.”

    To confirm teachers and administrators are meeting NET-T and NET-A standards technology integration specialist can use assessment data from previous years in comparison to the present. Technology resources can be utilized to collect and analyze the data, such as Google docs spreadsheets. In our district administrators and teachers are currently being observed yearly. I believe the technology integrators will have to work with these observers to prepare them for what to look for when observing a teacher or administrator utilizing and digital age technology, resources as well as supporting the integration of such tools through research and data.

    Have a good evening,

    1. I agree that the TI should be a part of the observation criteria set up. Sometimes it can look as if a teacher is integrating the technology but in actuality it's only when they are being observed. Yearly observations to me are not sufficient. I think teachers should be observed sometimes unannounced. This makes for a more authentic representation of their daily implementation and uses of technological tools.

  4. I have found that my students lack the skills in technology that they would need to be successful in their careers. They are very good with social media and games, but things like spreadsheets and presentations are more difficult. My school offers a College and Career Readiness course in which all students learn how to use Microsoft programs necessary to be successful in their classes and beyond. I think that focusing on analyzing data using spreadsheets as you said would be a useful skill for them.

  5. Working with students on short little assignments in something like Animoto can open the doors for them to become more familiar with manipulating technology. The key to them being comfortable utilizing technology is to approach it with the scaffolded method. Building in small parts is always better than taking on a huge assignment in the dark.
